Download the 2022 National Pediatric Disaster Conference Flyer
October 27 – October 28, 2022
8:00AM to 2:30PM MST/PDT
Download the National Pediatric Disaster Conference Program
Due to increases in COVID cases, travel restrictions, and more, the National Pediatric Disaster Conference is changing the format of the event to Zoom.
This event will examine joint response potential and novel resources among first responders, healthcare (including mental health), emergency management, business, nonprofits, military forces, and others using a catastrophic incident scenario to drive discourse. The scenario will only consider the first 24 hours following a massive earthquake in California. However, the focus will be upon solutions which have application for interstate opportunities for improvement across the United States and territories.
Topics will include interstate transport of pediatrics, hospital evacuation and transport of pediatrics, communications/situational awareness (including pediatric patient tracking and data transfer), and family reunification pertaining to pediatric patient movement from hospitals which must evacuate. The Conference will offer innovative models and facilitated discussions among leaders to foster new relationships, effective collaboration, cross-training, and increased awareness about capabilities, limitations, and diverse vernacular employed among partners who may or may not have previously planned together.