7:00AM to 8:00AM
Registration and Breakfast
(also, Health Care Coalition Training, Jennifer Hamilton, Co-Chair, AzCHER)
(also, Health Care Coalition Training, Jennifer Hamilton, Co-Chair, AzCHER)
8:00AM to 8:15AM
Welcome, Housekeeping, and Purpose of Conference: Jessica Rigler, Interim Assistant Director, Public Health Preparedness, Arizona Department of Health Services.
8:15AM to 10:00AM
Moderated Panel of Presenters on California Wildfires (30 Minutes Each with 15 Minute Q and A):
- Pending
- Hospital Response: Adam Wojciehowski, MA, CEM, CPP, MEP, HEM, Sutter Health, Environmental Risk
- EMS Response: Kelly Coleman, EMT-P, BA, Regional Disaster Medical Health Coordinator and Specialist, Alameda EMS Agency
- Moderator on Q and A: Michael Clark
10:00AM to 10:15AM
10:15AM to Noon
Moderated Panel of Presenters on Texas Hurricanes (30 Minutes Each with 15 Minutes for Q and A):
- EMS Response: Eric Stricklin, Greater Houston Area Manager, Acadian Ambulance Service
- Regional Response: Lori Upton, RN BSN MS CEM, Director Regional Preparedness and Operations, SouthEast Texas Regional Advisory Council
- Hospital Response: Alan Vierling, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, Executive Vice President Harris Health System Administrator, Lyndon B Johnson Hospital
- Moderator on Q and A: Michael Clark
Noon to 1:00PM
Lunch and Networking
1:00PM to 2:45PM
Moderated Panel of Presenters on Las Vegas Shooting (30 Minutes Each with 15 Minute Q and A):
- Police Response: Nichole Splinter, Captain, NorthEast Area Command, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
- Local Emergency Management Response: Irene Navis, AICP, Managing Partner, Navis Strategic Services, LLC
- Hospital Response, Route 91 Music Festival Shooting Reflections: Karen Donnahie, BSEMS, MHA, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for Desert Springs/Henderson Hospitals
- Moderator on Q and A: Michael Clark
2:45PM to 3:00PM
3:00PM to 3:45PM
Ariana Grande Concert Speaker: Rachel Jenner, Consultant in Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
3:45PM to 4:00PM
Wrap-Up and Adjournment: Wendy Smith-Reeve, Deputy Director of the Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs and the Director of the Division of Emergency Management
4:00PM to 6:00PM
No Host Bar and Appetizers with Dr. Rachel Jenner, Consultant in Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital