September 12, 2018
7:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Main Conference)
Breakfast and lunch will be provided
7:00AM to 8:00 AM
For New Health Care Coalition Members (HCCs) and Those Interested in HCCs, Training on HCC Organizations, Work, and Benefits to Participation with Jennifer Hamilton, Co-Chair, Arizona Health Care for Emergency Response (AzCHER)–Central Region
Phoenix Country Club
2901 N 7th St, Phoenix, AZ 85014
Registration ends September 10th.
A $50 fee covers the cost for the entire day. PayPal will be used to collect Registration fees.
This conference is a joint effort of Arizona’s Health Care Coalitions, the Arizona Pediatric Disaster Coalition, and Coyote Crisis Collaborative.
The purpose of the conference is to improve understanding of the lessons learned from disasters to improve disaster preparedness in Arizona.
This conference is supported by Arizona Department of Health Services
Target Audience
This meeting is by invitation only. It targets leadership from police, fire, emergency management, healthcare (including behavioral health), school districts, colleges, military, tribal government, local government, public health, and others involved in disaster response for Arizona.
To improve disaster planning for:
- Community Preparedness
- Emergency Operations Coordination
- Mass Care
- Medical Surge
- Emergency Public Information and Warning
- Information Sharing
- Responder Safety and Health