OCTOBER 1, 2019
8:00 AM to 3:00 PM • Breakfast and lunch will be served
This event has no registration fees.
Twin Arrows Resort and Casino
22181 Resort Blvd., Flagstaff, AZ 86004
The purpose of the Targeted Event Readiness Forum (TERF) is to provide an environment for exploring opportunities along the disaster response continuum. The TERF is not a disaster preparedness exercise, but instead is a facilitated discussion to foster the sharing of information. However, you will want to reference your disaster plan in advance to be prepared to offer information when asked.
The Northern/Northwestern Family Reunification Targeted Event Readiness Forum (TERF) is to provide an environment for exploring opportunities along the disaster response continuum. In addition, the TERF will:
- Educate, discover, and develop partnerships to support rural, tribal, camp, and urban family reunification processes.
- Provide tools, experiences, and data for participants to take back to their agency for further discussion and administrative support.
- Identify follow-up actions/findings to continue to educate support agencies in the basics of reunification.
- Communicate where we are with reunification planning, best practices and scalable templates.
- Identify next steps for regional reunification planning.
Target Audience:
This meeting is by invitation only. The event targets leadership from law enforcement; fire; emergency management; public health; EMS; hospitals; behavioral health; organizations serving access and functional needs populations; school districts; colleges/NAU; PIOs; municipal, county, tribal and state government; NGOs; camps; and elected officials.
It is a Friday evening and two rival football teams are nearing half time. The game is highly attended with 5,000 spectators or more, including children and adults with access and functional needs. The tribal leader/mayor and his/her family and another council member were expected to be in attendance.
One side of the stadium has collapsed due to unknown causes, resulting in smoke and chaos. Early communications from officers and medical personnel at the scene are estimating about 300 or more individuals may be injured or dead. About one-third of the attendees may be trapped under the collapse, while other victims are lying near the site of the collapse. Family and friends searching for loved ones are confusing the estimate.
Civilian vehicles and EMS are transporting and have transported victims away from the scene. 911 has and is receiving calls. Five hospitals have received patients, including walking wounded.
Discussion about family reunification begins from this point forward.