Leading the Pack

Disaster Response Partnerships



The taping of the presenters occurred sequentially to form one complete video. While subject matter experts represented diverse industries, each offered information and insights of benefit to the general field of disaster preparedness. Hence, the optimal way to view the video is in its original form of sequential presentations.

The original video was also separated by industry so that viewers could select to watch only the video pertaining to their industry. These smaller videos are tailored to long-term care, business, schools, and hospitals. Presenters in some of the industry-specific videos may refer to prior presentations that are no longer included in the smaller video. Each of the industry-specific videos also contains an introductory explanation of a Table Top versus other types of exercise.

The Collaborative is grateful to the Arizona Department of Health Services’ Bureau of Public Health Emergency Preparedness for making this video possible.


Recovery Table Top Training Video

This is the original video that presents multiple scenarios and methodologies for conducting Table Tops. Each presenter poses a list of questions to ask exercise participants. Each of the exercises may be replicated using the scenarios, methodologies, and questions that best fit with the viewer’s audience.


Allen Clark – Training Moderator

Joel Bunis, MBA – Table Top Exercise Basics

Stan Szpytek – Table Top Exercise for Long-Term Care: Power Outage


Allen Clark – Training Moderator

Joel Bunis, MBA – Table Top Exercise Basics

James Dorer – Table Top Exercise for a School: Parent/Student Reunification


Allen Clark – Training Moderator

Joel Bunis, MBA – Table Top Exercise Basics

Michael Herrera, CBCP – Tabletop for Business: Distribution Center

Bob Litchfield – Table Top Exercise for Business: Explosion


Allen Clark – Training Moderator

Joel Bunis, MBA – Table Top Exercise Basics

Robert Evans – Table Top Exercise for A Hospital: Electrical Failure at a Pediatric Hospital (Age 0 to 16)